There are many ways this material is used. I am trying to investigate why the majority of people won't think of concrete as an art material. However they agree that Concrete is indispensable for architecture and monumental sculpture, where strong building material is necessary.
This perception changed when minimalism came to fashion, greish colours and vast empty surfaces work well with dullness of concrete varieties made especially for interior design. Still minimalism is not a way of life most people want or can afford. Our life space is quite limited to be able to play with light and materials. Mass-produced concrete garden pots, stepping stones, fences and sculptures that's what we have at home.

The rest is in pavements and posts of public places, underground parking lots of the supermarkets and carcasses of unfinished buildings. Wherever hard work of carrying and supporting something should be performed-there comes concrete, very often in many disguises.
New development area in Antwerp
Underground parking of local supermarket

In the radius of 500 meters from home I could have found hundreds and hundreds of concrete examples

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