The exhibition in the Hague was very well scheduled. In December I tried to combine concrete and antique doll houses/quilts- two very divergent interests. Coincidentally, the Gemeentemuseum in the Hague had the same combination of subjects for their exhibitions in December. The best of both worlds. First I was fascinated by the Art-Deco building that houses the museum, very Piet Mondrian colours accentuated the Mondrian dress, furniture of Piet Klaarhamer, and famous Maison d'Artist by Theo Van Doesburg. These accents of bold colours scattered around the museum were in full harmony with the interior of the building
-..modern destruction begins where architectural structure is opened up and set into motion by colour relationships. The colour-planes, however, are always in orthogonal relationship.
Theo van Doesburg
-...the modern artist can conclude that impulsive and speculative production has come to an end. THE ERA OF DECORATIVE TASTE HAS VANISHED, the artist of today has finished completely with the past. Scientific and technical developments oblige him to draw conclusions
Theo van Doesburg
Le Corbusier, Maison Citrohan

- The new architecture has ‘opened’ the walls so that the separateness of interior and exterior is suppressed. Walls no longer sustain since the system of construction is based upon the use of columns. This results in a new type of ground plan, an open ground plan, which is totally different from classical ones, since interior space and exterior space are interrelated.
Theo van Doesburg
Le Corbusier, Dom-ino house concept, 1914

Jan Duiker, Open air School, Amsterdam 1930, Functionalism

This building looks so modern in spite of the fact that it is nearly 100 years old.

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